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Our New Website & Exciting Workshops

Updated: Apr 7, 2023

Our new website is finally up and running, thank you for your patience! Be sure to have a look, there are videos of past concerts, a photo gallery of students in performance, a resource page with businesses such as a Dance Physiotherapist, Dance Psychologist and Dance shops as well a much, much more.

We are excited to now offer Workshops which are affordable and will enhance your skill set. These workshops are run by professionals in the industry. Recently we had Ellen Paterniti from Perth Dance Physio conduct a workshop on 'On Injury Prevention and Core Strength', which was well received by the students. On April 13th, we will have a workshop on 'Overcoming Performance Anxiety' by Laurie Scarborough, Psychologist. If you are a student who is gets butterflies, anxiety, or stressed before competitions, this workshop is a must for you. Coming soon we have Meg Parry from WA Ballet, who will be teaching 'Inter found Ballet Barre & Repertoire' and 'Senior Ballet Barre & Repertoire'. Be sure to book early as there are limited places.

Please come to Parent Watching Week!

* Parent Watching Week: (31/3 – 6/4: Fri – Thu) *

Parents are invited to watch classes over the last week of term. We hope to see you there!

Important Dates to Remember:

April 7 Good Friday and end term 1 ballet – no ballet today

April 19 Closing date for entries – RAD Festival of Dance

TBC Onstage PAC Competitions

April 10 – 14 (1st week): school holiday timetable plus competition rehearsals

April 13 Workshop with Laurie Scarborough

April 17 - 21 (2nd week): school holiday timetable plus competition rehearsals

April 22 Workshop with Meg Parry

April 23 Dance Venture Term 2 commences – classes on today

April 24 School term 2 commences

April 25 Anzac Day: classes will be held as usual in the evening

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